S. S. S. S. S.
S. S. S. S. American Stock Exchange Stock Sales in Net Div.
100s High Low Last Chge. Net CoburnCred 18 Chge. do pt 1.20 85 26 Cohublee 31 19 41 ColemanCo 1 2 Cominet 6 ComtyDisc 15 10b Compudyne 10 ConDiesel Cont Tel A Const.Pd ContConn. ConsSunRay Mat ConsRoy0.40a I Cont CreoleP1.95b 28 CroseUn CrownAl CrnCPet 20 CrownDrug 13. CubicCp 53 Cutter A .20 13 do .20 -D- DaitchCD Darylina 09b DataControl 58 Davidson 10 4 DayMin 53 DCiran .80 5 104 Defiance 51 DenMI A 1 31 394 Desilu Detind -3 Dev Ray 1.40 28 28 DevonP Deltona OT 121 12 Dialight .32 00 15 Diberts pl DixilynA DomePet DO Dom Car .80 153 DorrOliv .60 Dorsey 10 Draper 331 331 331- Drug Fair 51 51 Dura Test.
15bg 2 63 68 Dynalect.03bg 85 51 1 EarlSheib.32 3 -E- EastCan. 40b EdoCop 51 ElcoCp 103. 103 103 ElderPeel 00 ElVoice 10b 13 43 ElectAssit 103 101 Elect Com.05b 101 10 Electronics 51 51 51 00. 334 33 EquityC.05dg 14 ERTCorp 3 Esquire 9 EssexCh 20 61 6 23 234 00 EvansRule. 20 26 8 EtsHokin 41 4 93 ExquisForm 21 41 4 4 000.
-F- FamRecord.60 3 8 8 8 FairmCh4f FalconSbd 14 19 183 19 FamASch2f 125 FannyFal.20 291 Faraday.20b 10 FargoOils 11 21 21 FedPurch 41 41 FelmPet. 15d 39 FieldPlast. 40 10 63 63 Filmways 1 0 FinGen. 30 10 9 41 13 241 29 31 33 FlygTiger5f 85. 85.
85 ForestCity41 51 Fotochrome 2 2 2 FriendFrost 3 -G- GaranInc5t GaleInd 2 2 GenAccep wt 41 GenAlloys 13 13 Gen Batty.40 83- Mill GenDevel 15 53 GenFoam. 10b 73 GenGas. 15b 133 133 GenJlywd 00 GenStrs 11. Genungs. 70 GianniniCon 5 123 GeniSuper 10 Giant 40 0 Giant Yell.
60a 103 Gilbert 5 325 321 GlassTite 0 GlenmDistB.70 3 0 -H- Gt Bas Pet 24 Kt Lks Ch 21 Grow Cp 33 Guerdon 75 75 75- Gulf Am Ld 19 43 Nat Gulf States Ld 1 243 243 West 51 22 29 29 29 Nat Gulf Sulphur 11 5 1 Gulton Ind 9 201 0 Hadelman. 17b 14 114 113. Nat Am 254 0 Harn Cp 51 6 63, Hatfielr St 31 71 HartfordEl1.60 46 46 46 Harv Str 2 33 HastingsM.40 10 71. 71 Hazel Bish 10 .80 207 HansonVW .40 Heinicke NJ Helena 1.30 HercuGal. 15bg 51 Highway Tr 10 00 Hilto wt 5 HoheOilB.
25bg 3 Hoe Co A Hormel 1.40 75x 271- Hoffman Int 1 HowellEl 5fd 51 5 5 80a 183 HudVit.70 10 19 19 HuskyOil 61 61 Oak Hydromatics 23. 21 21- Hydromet 14 64 61. 61 Exchange Supplies Classroom Package Publishes Booklet Designed Especially For Junior And Senior High School Use By WILLIAM C. DOYLE are studying the stock market in our high school economies class. 1 have been asked to write to you to ask if there are booklets or other material available to help us in our studies.
This may not be the kind of question you usually handle. But this is important to us. If the kind of material we need is available, how can we get it? A. books, There are booklets, many differ. that could help you and your classmates in your studies of the stock market.
About the best I know of is a booklet entitled "You and The World," put out Investment, York Stock Exchange. It is designed especially for junior and senior high school use. Copies are available in classroom quantity. It is sug. gested that Yourite teacher or your principal to School and College Relations Department, New York Stock Exchange, 11 Wall Street, New York 5, N.
Y. In addition to a supply of those booklets, the exchange will send material for use by your teacher in instruction and examination. The exchange will, of course, send out individual copies of that booklet to anyone who writes for it. But it prefers that requests come from teachers or principals, so that everything can be included in a classroom package. And, as always when this column mentions something such as this, we have assurance that names and addresses will be kept confidential.
There's no need to worry about ending up on a "mailing list." SAVE UP TO: on car rentals s3 Pc JE J. SERVING YOU COAST TO COAST BUDGET RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM FULL 24-HOUR DAY 609 Bigelow Blvd. Pgh. 19. Pa.
Near Carlton Sheraton Hotels Phone: 261-3320 worry that the booklet might be "pro Wall Street propaganda." It's well done and objective. Remember that G. Keith Funston, president of the New York Stock Exchange, was formerly president of Trinity College. He's an educator at heart. For my part, I want to congratulate the teacher, principal and school board of the young man who wrote to ask about this.
Learning about the stock market most certainly should be included in any economics course. It's important in getting a real understanding of our free-enterprise, capitalis. tic system. And that's important to all of us. the report of a popular mutual fund, 1 see that it owns a large number of shares of General Development Corp.
That stock was trading above $15 a share in 1961 and recently has been below $6. Why does a mutual fund hold this stock? It doesn't pay dividends. would have to get your answer from the people who manage that mutual fund. At a quick look, it might seem to be a terrible mistake. Actually, General Development has come down even more than you mention.
Adjusted for dividends, it was up to $30.125 a share in 1959. But, like most real estate development companies, it has its problems now. All mutual funds don't buy only dividend-paying stocks. Some concentrate on they feel will grow in value. That could very well be the case So far, it might here.
look like a wrong move. But it might work out. Only will tell. For home delivery of The Press, phone 263-1121. PARKWAY WEST ADJACENT Greentree Interchange 18,000 Sq.
Ft. Warehouse Office Ultra- Modern Building Rail Truck Docks -Ample Parking To Inspect, Call The Buncher Company 321-4950. This advertisem*nt is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of offers to buy any of these securities. The offering is made only by the Prospectus. November 21, 1963 4,000,000 Shares Ford Motor Company, Common Stock ($2.50 Par Value) The Shares are to be sold to the several underwriters, including the The Ford Foundation, and no part of the proceeds will be received by Ford Motor undersigned, by Company.
Price $50-50 per share Copies of the Prospectus may be obtained from such of the underwriters as are registered dealers in securities in this State. The First Boston Corporation Blyth Inc. Goldman, Sachs Co. Kuhn, Loeh Co. Incorporated Lazard Co.
Lehman Brothers Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated White, Weld Co. Incorporated Dean Witter Co. Dillon, Union Securities Co. Glore, Forgan Co. Harriman Ripley Co.
Eastman Hornblower Weeks Kidder, Peabody Co. Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades Incorporated Incorporated Co. Paine, Webber, Jackson Curtis Smith, Barney Co. Stone Incorporated Webster Securities Corporation Paribas Corporation Bache Co.
Bear, Stearns Co. Drexel Co. Hayden, Stone Co. Hemphill, Noyes Co. E.
F. Hutton Company Inc. Incorporated Reynolds Inc. Shearson, Hammill Co. Wertheim Co.
A. G. Becker Co. Clark, Co. Dodge Dominick Dominick Equitable Securities Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Corporation Goodbody Co.
Hallgarten Co. W. E. Hutton Co. Ladenburg, Thalmann Co.
Lee Higginson Corporation F. S. Moseley Co. R. W.
Pressprich Co. L. F. Rothschild Co. Salomon Brothers Hutzler G.
H. Walker Co. Walston Inc. Incorporated Allen Company American Securities Corporation Baker, Weeks Co. Alex.
Brown Sons Estabrook Co. First of Michigan Corporation Spencer Trask Co. Tucker, Anthony R. L. Day Watling, Lerchen Co.
Wood, Struthers Inc. Dick Merle-Smith W. C. Langley Co. Manley, Bennett, McDonald Co.
Model, Roland Co. Piper, Jaffray Hopwood Schwabacher Co. F. S. Smithers Co.
Moore, Leonard Lynch Singer, Deane Scribner A. E. Masten Co. Kay, Richards Co. McKelvy Company Arthurs, Lestrange Co.
Chaplin, McGuiness Co. H. J. Steele Co. Thomas Company h- in 1 5 U1 Sales In Div.
100s Ohio Brass1.60 3 do 100x OldTown 6 Ookiep5.92B 250x OversSec. 91ld OxfordMig.60 3 PacCstProp5fd 19 do 4.36 pt PG E5pf do 5rd 1 do 6 3 Pac NWBURt 30 Pac Ind PeLt 210 do pix 300 Pac Airl 20 Packers Sup Padnton 1.30bg 9 Page Her .90 Pail Cp .40 Paco Inc Pancoast Pete 29 Pantasote Park Pen 1ag 2 Parn Doh 408 8 Penn Traic .40 4 Pentron El 17 Pep Boys 2 Pepperell 3a 2 Perf Photo Peruv Oil Philips El Phillisp Eck .20 3 Phoenix St Pioneer Pl .60 Plast Mat Polarad' Polycast Po.ymer 31 Prairie Oil Lb 100 Prentic AI .40 21 PrestnM Progress MI PuritSpt .40 PyleNat 94 Quebec Lith 3 Radiation 3t 15 Ramer Ind 23 Ramo RapidA Rath Pack Rayette 13 RealEI 1.206 RealPrpA .96 RityEq .20 00 REDM Cp Reeves Brd Reeves Indi 22 Reis 8 Relina 1.32 12 RmArms RepFoil .40 Rep Ind Rep Tran Ind Resistfix Assoc RIC Group Riv Brice Ri0Algom do pf wt RioGrGas .16 Robin Tech RogersCp 31 Roosev Rac Ross Prod RoxburyC .60 Royal Sch. CO Royalite 6 RussTogs .75 16 Ryan Con Pet 5 Low Last 9 153 153 32 3 451 17 61 61 101 123 301 331 8 8 161 573 114 4 8 High 974 95 -P- 31 991 3 46 12 11 33 26 65 13 891, 461 61 9 33 8 161 44 423 423 111. 181 6 10 13 13 13 6 5 5 121 121- 131, 131 51 51 83 83 6 171 SanCarls 17 Sarcee Pet SaxnPp 21f 6 do pt .60 4 11 Sayre F. A 37 ScreenGm .60 20 20 20.
Scurry Rain. 11 163- Ply 4 23 Air. 104 5 43, sealectro Seeburg 58 22 22 Rex Seeman 71 Servo -10400 15 Servomech 3 3 3 SetLea 200x, Shaer Sh 71 71 71 0 Shatt Dn 834 83g- SherwWms 3 3 83 .1 1 0 SienlOil 52 25 25 Silicon Tran. 00 111 103 Cr 22 one 5 5 0 00 231 231 231 0 Cal Pet 18 173- Real Ut 00 214 21. 21- Prt3f 00 Speedry Ch.0 A 5 5 5 Shoe 3f 0 Sperry Rd wt 24 8 8 8 Ar 4 1 Drdpf1.6100x 261 Forg.
5 Metals. 3 4 4 Prod.60a 7 13 123 123- Thom 11 434 Av 4 In 5 2138 Statham In. 135 Ch5f 10 Alum. 17 4 153 1534- Prec 23 13 Shop 4 187 Well5f 13 91 914 Cp. 650 Int Pet 24 61 61 Pap 16 16 16 174 731 731 116 226 -T- El .40 5 Op 32 301 Technicol 12 48 174 In.
7 2 Teieregitr 6 11 73 Ind 16 Eng 01 314 314 00 0 El Inc wt 141 141- Starr 35 Mkt 1 151 1.20a 207 Univ 9 23 Photo 384 35 105 12 12 20 8 .50 5 153 5f 1' 41 414 1 41 414 wt 9 357 351 1.20 2 351 -U- 4 18 18 18 21 21 21 0 Can 11 0 0000.000 8 8 8 13 0 7 71, 71, 93 93 Ch 61., 61 Nat Gas 2 111 Rub Recl 91 91 .20 62wt 55wt .12 72 Cont .30 3 .20 32 43 .40 63 .40 12 wts 17 101 10 10 -V- 7 14 1434 Cap 3 3 3 104 12 10 5 47 5 0 61 53 53 .50 103 60a 141 141- 2 5 5 0 -W- 10 Knapp 11 -00 pf 20x 44 44 5fd 9 534 55. 1 235 23 3 14 21 21 27 23 23 05b 4 29 0 60a 13 13 13 13 0 .80 211 51d 5 5 5 RC 83 81 MeW 41 1 7 7 Oil 148 234 Br 4 63. 61 61 NM.60 200x 1134 Wear 21 Exp A.60 18 141 133 Race. 10fd 2 4 4 Jwly .60 4 Off Sh 3 81 81 81 Fds 31ds 2 3 References of dividends in the foregolnz are annual disbursem*nts based on quarterly or semi-annual declaraUnless otherwise noted. special or dividends are not included.
a- plus b-paid last year: -payment on dividends: pald so far this regular rate; -cash or stock: cent stock: plus stock divia extras plus stock divibg-cash and stock dividends paid -capital distribution: xd exxrt-ex-rights; x-sales in full: ws -warrants: wi-when issued. Pittsburgh Stock Market Stocks Sales High Low Last Chge. 1191 139 1393- 30 Chrysler 10 DuqLight 20 32 32 32 EquitGas 50 4134 GenElectric 5 801 801 GenMotors 171 771-1 Murphy G.C. 50 PennaRR 50 Peh Brewing 100 USSteel 34 51 504 West Elec 59 351 Total sales, 1770 shares. Metal Market NEW YORK.
Nov. 21 (UPI) Metal prices: Aluminum, primary, 99 per cent plus, pure. 30-pound ingots 23 cents pound. Copper, electrolytic, delivered U. S.
31 cents pound: New York refinery 30.82½ cents pound; Lake 31 cents pound. Lead. common. New York 12 cents pound; St. Louis 11.80-12.30 cents pound.
Tin. New York prompt delivery 128.12½ cents pound. Zine. prime westYork 13 cents pound: East St. Louis 12.50 cents pound.
Scrap steel No. 1 heavy was quoted today in Pittsburgh at $24-25 a ton. For home delivery of The WANTED PRINTING SALES MANAGER Ohio Valley printing firm presently engaged in trade commercial print. ing and lithography, specializing in hot wax carbonizing is installing rotary business form presses and allied equipment to furnish snapout and continuous forms to the trade. The firm is now looking for a qualified salesman with the ability to manage the sales of the old products as well as the new products.
Send resumes to Box B-567, this paper. Confidential. 64 Pittsburgh Press, Thursday, November 21, 1963 Classified Advertising Directory NOTICES Pages NEW 21 -American Exchange transactions today were: Sales in Div. High Low Last -A- Acme Ham 13 Aeronca AeroFlow. 10b AcmePres AdmirPlas.
Aerojet.12½bg AcmeMis.07dg 05b A 00 A Aerosol 5t 16 1.84 Aileen. 50ag 151 151 AirportPk.30 1 AlaPwpf4.20 50x 91 91 91 AllAmEng. 20b AllSt. Prop 20 28 AlleghCpwts 3 61. 61 AlleghAiri5t Art AlliedCon.
28bg AlliedPap Alloys Uni Alscolne 05 100x 841 AmbassOil 11 Amcolnd AmBk 1.80a 50x 411 AmElectron 00 AmintAl 01 AmMare AmPetro. 15b 00 AngLauA.35b AnthPools.36 Apolloind ArkLaGas 1 25 Astrodata AssoProd .40 AssoTestLab Astrex AtcoChem AtiReserch AtlasCp wts AtlasGen. 40b AtlasSew AudioDev 21 AutoStIPd.30 01 Avien BSFCO Bakerind 51 BaldMont do pi BaldSec 4fd 00 BanffOil BannerInd BarnesEng 56 BarryWr .50 10 Bartons.30ag 3 BayviewOil 21 BeckShoe 5 BelockInst 11 Benrus .30 Berkey Photo 18 BerkshFr.36 BlossHyd OT Bohack OT Bowmar Inst 3 Bohck pt 20x Borne Chem 3 Bowl CD 23 Braz Trac 25d 19 Breeze 03 Brillo 1 150x Brit Am Oil 1 1 Br A Tr R. 1 Brit Pet .31 95 Brooks Inst Brown Brown FB Bruce E.L. Budg Fin .52 Buell Ind A Bunk Hill 00 Burgmst 51 Burma Burnell Bur J.
P. .40 Butlers Sh 5 BVDC0 3fd 16 CaldorIne 27. 10b CalEIPw.88 CampbChib CampMch.32 CanCem1.20 25 CanHmstd 00 CdnIndGas 10 CdnJavelin ml CdnMarc 17 CapCBdest 14 CCI Cp 2 CastleAm. 30b 3 Catalin CenHadley 18 CenSecur1.70b 4 CentGeop 70 CharOil ChiRivet1a ChiefCMn ChristiOil Chromalloy Cinerama 153 CircuitF NO ClaroMf 00 Clary Cp ClopayCp. 10d 3 01 81 4 00 181 181 14 14 14 9 131 13 13 111 61 61 -B- 9 9 0 154.
43 21 313 30 91 9 88 88 88 53 39 39 39 75 0 8 73 8 31. 14 133 133- 101 103, 101 151 151- 31 33 9 9 9 31 31 71. 165 -C- 153, 301 27. 63. 63 63 0 351 351 35.
35 35 0 834 113 113 31 31 191. 183 10 91 131 41 0 0 21 23 23- 75 28 28 28 2 0 554 1 18 0 0 29 283 5 71 ANDY GARD CORPORATION DIVIDEND NOTICE The Board of Directors has declared 8 regular quarterly cash dividend of five $.05) cents per share payable January 30, 1964 to holders Common Stock of record at the close of business on January 10, 1964. ANDY GARD CORPORATION LEETSDALE, PA. November 20, 1963 Sales in Div. 100s High Low Last Chge.
-I- IMCMagn 2 ImpChm.12b 12 ImpOil1.208 IndTel.05bg 28 4 60x IndElHrd3f 43 45 IndPlyw 21 InlandCred4t 8 InsurNAm 2 91 IntBrew 6 IntProd IntStrtch. 20a 21 InvPropBlds IpcoHos Sp. 20b IrvingAir JeannetGI JeffConst.20b JetfLake Asb JeffLkPt.02½b JeffLpwt JohnsBarg JupiterCp Kaiserlnd Kaltman KaweckiCh31d KilembC. Kingsford KinArkOll KinneySv Kirby Pet Kleer Vu 51 Klein St Klion Knott Hot 1 Kratter Kropp Frg KulkaSm 95. 00 00 24 18 66 11 00 9 15 01 01 1 3 171 91 Lafay Rad 8 LAigion 21 714 Lake Sh 3 LamsonC 16 16 .80 Lanston 2 2 Larchfeld Lease Plan 10 Lee Motors Levitt 53 51.
Leslie Fay .48 Levines 10 10 Lib Fab 51 11 Lewis Fds .40 650 Lithonia 8 Lith LouL Am 1.02½b 7 -101 Livings Oil 5t 39 Lodge A Long Wit 83 LouGasSv .74 50 2.20 00 77 Lundy El 16 10 Lynch Cp 31 5 71 -M- Macfad Bart 16 6 Mack Trk wt 173 17 MackeVnd .45 197. 193 Mackey Alr 19 61 Macoid .20 10 31 Magellan Pet 30 Magna Oil 5 MajSp: 4 123 Mallory Rd MangiSt 1.20 19 19 71 Martin wt 00 21 Mary Carter 81 81 do A 51 MarylCup 31 32 Cp .24 11 MasseyF .50 15 Maule Ind 4 7 McCrory wt 20 23 934 McCullOil 2 81 81 eMadJohn.68 90 MelnorInd 3 12 MnacoMfg. 20b 13 41 MichChem 16 14 Mich Sug 13 75 do pf 2 15 15 MicroHone. 10d Microwave 103, Midwt Fel 2 51 MidwInv Fact .60 6 15 15 75x MiloElect 1 25x 103 103 Mohawk Airl 43 Mlybdenm Molybdenite DAM 3. Monog Pr 2 1 1 MorseEltr.20ag 2 MtClem 15 13 1 40 30 Movielab 41 101 10.
Muntz TV 37 MurrayOh 1.20 3 33 MskPRing.40bg to 1814 Muter Co 51 3 -N- Nachman Napco 00 6 6 Alfa 83 NatBellH 61 6 6 Bowl 11 NatElWeld.60 10 10 Eq 831 Pet 25 21. NatRollM NatRub.60B 1934 193 NatVideo. Nedicks.30 101 101 NeedhamPk 48 434 NatTrans.20d 63 NatUnElec.05B 2 2 NYHondwi 211 NewIdriaM 24 Zine1B 12 12 NewProc. 250x 70 NYHond 100x 633 Noramco 3 13 NorfSoRy 9 NoAmRoyal 17. NoCansOils 20 17.
NoPennRR4 10x 651 651 NoeastAirl 15 334 31 Novolnd 2 9 9 NuclearAm 14 -0- Mfg.30 2 143 143 Occident Pet. 35 27. 27 OgdenCp. 50B 15 71. Net Chge.
95 0 113 33 0 0 0 Sbd Sbd Sel Sibonev Silver Sono So So So 0 Speed Spen 0 Sports Std Stand 0 Std Std .00000 Std Stanley Star 0 Stephan Sterl Ster 1 Struth 0 Stylon Sunset Swance Syntex Syntex 0 Tampa 0 Tech Telectro 0 1,4 Telv 0 Tenny THud Texstar Textron Textr Thomp Thoro Thrftm Tower Town TWAwt TransA TranWS Tra-Ler TriaC TriCont TrueTm UnStYd UnAP UnAsb Un UnElast UnFds Un USCer Unishops Unexcd US US UtdStk UnAm UnAm UnAu Un UnCont UnivMari UtahiSg UrisBld ValveCn Venture Victoreen Viewlex VaDare Vogt Mtg. Rest VTRIne WalthPrec do Weiman WestChem WestbFash WstnEquit WstnNuelr. WstnStkInv Whippany WhiteEagle WhiteStag Wmhouse Williams Willms Wilshire Wilson Wod Work Yale Yonk Zale Zapata Zion Rates table the last tion. extra extra: accumulated year. 110 f-per dends: dends: this year: dividend: ws 0 0 0 0 Deaths.
64-65 In 65 Florists. 65 Cemetery 65 ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and 65 Personal. 65 EMPLOYMENT Male 65 Female 65-66 66 RENTALS Furnished and Unfurnished 66 Apartments and Houses. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE East Suburban 67 North East 67 North 67 South 67-68 FOR SALE 68 Household 69 AUTOMOBILES Auto. 69-70-71 Sport Cars.
70 Trucks. 71 Death Notices Death Notices 24 16 37 10 77 101 5 121- 19 21 51 32 81 231- 14 15 51- 15 103 43 1 13 10 4 6 6 10 25 2 48 12 9 9 71 ABRAMOVITZ on Thursday, Nov. 21, 1963, Mollie, beloved wife of the late Samuel Abramovitz; mother of Harry Brom and Allan Brom; also two grandchildren. Friends received at the BLANK BROS. FUNERAL HOME, Forbes Ave.
at Craft, where services will be held on Friday at 1:30 p. m. Interment New Light Cemetery, ADAMIK on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1963, Frank, of 735 Seventh Trafford, husband of Mary Zajdel; father of Stanley Mrs. Helen Tucker, Mrs.
Joanna Kalkbrenner and Walter J. Friends received at the W. N. DAUGHERTY SON FUNERAL HOME, Trafford, Pa. Requiem mass in St.
Leocadia's R. C. Church, in Wilmerding, on Saturday at 10 a. m. ANDERSON On Tuesday, Nov.
19, 1963. Ophelia of 613 Mt. Pleasant beloved wife of Alexander Anderson; mother of Williard, Leo and Mrs. Willa Mae Rice: sister of Mrs. Susie Griffin and John Parker of Rosedale, and Rev.
L. P. Parker of St. Louis, six grandchildren and five gre a t-grandchildren; also survive. Friends received at the MORRIS S.
FOUNTAIN FUNERAL HOME, 2518 Center Ave. Services Saturday at 1 p. m. at Calvary Baptist Church. ARCHER On Wednesday, Nov, 20, 1963, Harry beloved husband of Louise Hunsinger Archer of 7302 Church Ben Avon: father of David G.
of Glenshaw; brother of Mrs. Amelia Archer Robbins and Miss Marjorie Archer of Columbus. Ohio: two grandchildren. Friends received in the ORION C. PINKER ON FUNERAL HOME, 1014 California Avalon, (North Boros), where service will be held on Saturday afternoon 1:30.
(Member of Pgh. Mailers Local ASH On Wednesday, Nov. 20. 1963. Hyman Ash, of 6404 Forward beloved husband of Miriam Ash; father of Robert Ash, Doris Ash and Paul Ash: also one grandchild.
Brother of Jacob, Isadore and Abe Ash. Friends received at the BLANK BROS. FUNERAL HOME, Forbes Ave. at Craft, where services will be held 011 Friday at 11 a. m.
Interment Shaare Torah Cemetery. BAGGERLY Douglass, on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1963, of 718 East End husband of Ruth Oster; father of Mrs. Elizabeth B. McDowell of Lancaster and Harrison of Wilkinsburg: also four grandchildren and two great grandchildren, Friends received at the ROWLAND S.
COOKE FUNERAL HOME. 210 East End Ave. Services on Friday at 8 p. m. Interment Saturday a.
m. BANNISTER On Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1963, Edward beloved husband of the late Katherine Mowery Bannister: survived by one daughter. Margaret B. Roberts of Beverly.
Mass. and four granddaughters. Friends received at the JAMES A. McCABE'S FUNERAL HOME. 7204 Thomas Blvd.
Funeral on Saturday at 8 a. m. Requiem at 8:30 m. BIMBA On Thursday. 7715 Brashear Frank, husband stepfather of Patricia Toney: children.
Friends A. L. WENSLOVAS HOME. 2128 E. Side.
Funeral on 23, at 8 a. m. in St. Casimir's Nov. 21.
1963. of Wilkinsburg, of Amelia Glass: Joseph Glass and also five grandreceived at the FUNERAL Carson South Saturday, Nov. Requiem high mass Church at 9 a. m. BOOKAMYER Of 215 Jacunda Knoxville, on Tuesday, Nov.
19, 1963. Ella J. Fishel, in her 94th year, wife of the late William Bookamyer; mother of John A. and Grant D. Bookamyer; also four grandchildren.
Friends received at the FUNERAL HOME OF JOHN D. SCHAUB SONS, 425 Brownsville Mt. Oliver. Services on Saturday at 9:30 a. m.
BOTSFORD At West Penn Hospital on Tuesdav. Nov. 20. 1963. Florence.
wife of John A. Botsford, of 601 Clyde mother of Wilson (Pete) of Carnegie; sister of Mrs. Gladys Harrison. of boro, aunt of Patricia Place Your WANT ADS AT THE Dealers Listed Below ALIQUIPPA S. S.
Sakol. ...269 Station St. AMBRIDGE R. E. DeVinney.
.833 Merchant St. (Rear) APOLLO J. N. Warren Ave. BEAVER Lee 254 Third Ave.
BEAVER FALLS Trenk 202 Eleventh St. Lebro Drug Lincoln Ave. BELLEVUE, BLOOMFIELD Charles M. Tea. ...3400 Penn Ave, BRIDGEVILLE Welse Bros.
.528 Washington Ave. BROOKLINE Brookline News.922 Brookline Blvd. BROWNSVILLE John Boyd. Brownsville News Co. BUTLER E.
J. Gallagher. 125 S. Chestnut St. CALIFORNIA State 242 Wood St.
CANONSBURG Walter Clifton. .39 Water St. CORAOPOLIS Lawrence Fourth Ave. BRADDOCK Brenneman Hubacker. 564 Braddock Are.
EAST END Rice Service. 11 Shady Ave. EAST McKEESPORT Robert Grant St. Irwin, Pa. Underhilil 3-2680 ELLWOOD CITY Elwood City News .425 Lawrence Ave.
FORD CITY Ford City News Ford St. FOREST HILLS A J. Richards. 16 Kenmore Ave. FREEPORT Freeport News.
.260 Second St. GLASSPORT Glassport News. 305 Monongahela Av GLENSHAW Christ Wonderly, care of Craig, Pierce Drug Mt. Royal Blvd. GREENSRURG Greensburg News Co.
...........39 W. Otterman 'st. Fletcher, Stoneboro. Friends ceived 2-4 and 7-9 and Friday at the WATERS NERAL HOME, Stoneboro, services will be held at 2 p. m.
Interment Oak Cemetery. BOWKER On Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1963. of 102 Woodside Hills, wife of Loxley J. mother of Richard L.
Friends received at the E. EATON FUNERAL HOME. Ross Wilkinsburg, after o'clock Wednesday morning. ices Friday morning. Nov.
22, 11 o'clock. BROWN Of 199 McMurray Upper Clair on Thursday, Nov. 1963, Angela A. (Angell), wife of Thomas D. Brown; of Anthony Angell, Audrey fanelli: sister of Mike.
Mathilda, Joe, Rudolph and phine: also survived by grandchildren. Friends at the MILTON E. HAMEL TUARY, McMurray Bethel Church So. Hills. neral on Saturday at 9:30 a.
Requiem high mass in St. More Church at 10 a. m. BUTCH George of Gross Sti, on day, Nov. 21, 1963, beloved band of Josephine Capretta; father of Dolores Cicchetti; of Rita Trocchio, Herman Connie Parco, Elizabeth and Albert DiBucci; also survived by three grandchildren.
and members of Pgh. Fire received the WINTER NERAL HOME, 4730 Friendship Ave. Funeral on Monday at a. m. Requiem mass in the maculate Conception Church 10 a.
m. CLIFTON In Cleveland. Ohio. on Nov. 1963, Carolyn Jeanne Clifton, 407 Beaver Edgeworth, daughter of Harry F.
and dred McLaughlin Clifton: of Mrs. Howard Stokes, worth. Pa. and Joyce and J. Clifton, at home: daughter of Mrs.
John Laughlin of Sewickley and Ethel Clifton of Pgh. Friends received from 2-4 and 7-9 p. at the D. S. IRVINE FUNERAL HOME, 702 Beaver St.
Sewickley, where services will be held Friday at 2 p. m. COLLINS On Tuesdav. Nov. 19, 1963, 545 Fourth Pitcairn, Mrs.
Claire J. (Moorhead). of the late Dr. Clyde I. Collins: mother of Richard stepmother of Mrs.
Mildred Ruby, Mrs. Mabel Bellon; sister of Mrs. Florence Fulton, Mrs. Jessie Harrison, Mrs. Ruth Pepper, Mrs.
Evelyn Bower, Charles and Frank Moorhead; also one grandson three great-granddaughters. Friends received at the WM. PEARCE FUNERAL HOME, cairn, where services will be on Friday at 1:30 p. m. Family hours 2-4 and 7-9 p.
m. COLLINS Mary on Tuesday. Nov. 1963, of Glenmawr Sheraden, mother of Helen R. Cobbett, Walter R.
and Margaret L. lins, Mary Reilly of Port Washington, N. Maurice Francis Edward B. of Pgh. William P.
Collins of San Antonio, sister of James Holloran of Chardon, Ohio; 17 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren. Friends received at the WM. CONROY FUNERAL HOME, 2944 Chartiers Sheraden, from 2-5 and 7-10 p. m. Solemn requiem mass in Holy 1 Innocents Church, Friday at 10 a.
m. Altar and Rosary Society will recite rosary Thursday, at 8 p. Christian Mothers rosary Thursday, at 2 p. m. CONNOLLY Suddenly, on Thursday, Nov.
1963. James Reamer, of 322 Zara Knoxville (formerly of Swissvale), beloved son of Lucy Borlin Connolly; brother of Harry L. Connolly. Friends received the THOMAS L. NIED FUNERAL HOME.
7441 Washington Swissvale. Blessing services on Saturday at 10 a. m. Visitations 2-4 and 7-9 p. m.
CORFIELD On Thursday morning. Nov. 21, 1963. Stephen beloved husband of Carrie Schmude Corfield. of 829 Jackman Avalon; father of Mrs.
Grace Corfield Neilson and Mrs. Vera Corfield Gibson; Mrs. brother of Mrs. Nellie Morewood, Edith Macormac Meyers and four grandchildren. Friends received between hours of 2-5 and 7-9 p.
m. at the LESTER C. MeDONALD FUNERAL HOME, 529 California Avalon. where services will be held on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. DATTOLA At Reggio Calabria, Italy, on Nov.
15. 1963, Paul (tormerly of New Kensington and North Braddock), beloved husband of the late Erminia DeMaria Dattola; father of Mrs. Mary Clark and Miss Eleanor Dattalo of Wilkinsburg, Anthony of Homestead; also seven grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Burial was in Reggio Calabria, Italy, DAVIES On Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1963, William E.
(Buck), beloved husband of Esther Moreland, of 1648 Pembroke Scott Twp. (formerly of Dormont): father of Mrs. Ruth L. Vogel, Mrs. Martha M.
Smith and T. Edgar Davies; brother of Parthenia Fischer, the late James, George, Evan, Samuel, Edgar, Mrs. Ann Jane Rhodes and Mrs. Amy Cuthbert; also six grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Friends received at the L.
BEINHAUER SON CO. MORTUARY, 2630 West Liberty Ave. Services on Saturday at 10:30 a. m. Friends invited.
Interment Allegheny Cemetery, Masonic services Friday evening at 7:30 p. m. by the John A. Brashear Lodge No. 743 DEAN On Wednesdav.
Nov. 20. 1963, Nancy Stevenson, beloved wife of the late Earl C. Dean Sr. of 240 East Bruceton Road.
Pleasant Hills (formerly of Homestead): mother of Earl C. Dean daughter of Mrs. Margaret Stevenson: sister of Mrs. Donald Rogan and George E. Stevenson.
Friends received at the GILLEN AND COULTER 319 East 9th Homestead. Services Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. DUANE Everett Oral. on Wednesday. Nov.
20, 1963, of 516 N. Taylor N. beloved husband of Mrs. Cinderella Prosser Duane: brother of John W. Duane of Springfield.
Ohio. Mrs. Ruth Young of Phoenix. Mrs. Mae Inser of Richmond.
Va. and Mrs. Julia Richards of Akron. Ohio. Friends received from 2-4 and 7-10 p.
m. at the JOHN A. BRADY FUNERAL HOME. 215 W. Ohio N.
S. Funeral service on Saturday at 2. p. m. Members of Bartenders Union, Local 188 invited.
EBNER George Nov. 20. 1963. of 3446 York Munhall, husband of Ruth Ford: father of Clarence F. of Mars: Howard J.
of Munhall; brother of Mrs. Hazel Laub. Mrs. Florence Koppe. Wilbur, Howard and Charles; four grandchildren, one great-grandchild.
Friends ceived 2-4 and 7-10 at HOME. 3511 Main Munhall. GEORGE 4 GREEN FUNERAL Services on Saturday in the First Methodist Church of Homestead at 2 o'clock. reThursday FUwhere Saturday Hill 61 Ethel Forest Bowker, Bowker. DONALD 733 11 Servat St.
21, beloved mother CristoFrank, Josefour received MORnear Fum. Thomas Thurshus- brother Butch, Bittner Friends Dept. FU- 9 Imat 20, of Milsister EmsDavid grandMc- Mrs. m. on of wife and 0.
Pitheld 19, Col- and F. the m. 21, M. at.